Frame Your Magazine and Newspaper Reprints

Many magazines and newspapers offer cover reprints. For magazines, most offer every cover that has been published. For newspapers, most offer a wide selection of their newspapers, especially those covers of significance. Many of these services also offer framing.

Newspaper Display Picture Frame. Sports Illustrated Cover Reprints.  San Fransisco Wins 2010, 2012 and 2014 World Series. Frame #201 Matte Black 1 1/2". Outer Mat Deep Orange, Inner Mat Black Belt.

Three Sports Illustrated cover reprints in a single frame.

If these reprint services offer framing, why should you consider thePaperFramer for framing of your reprints? For many of you, using the framing services that the reprint companies offer may be fine for you. But if you want more than what they offer, thePaperFramer is here for you. Most of the framing services offer only a couple of different frames. Many don't offer any choice of mats or framing without mats. Most often you can only have a single mat. I offer both single and double mats. Here at thePaperFramer you can frame your reprint using any the over 200 mouldings for your frame and over 150 mats. Dry mounting is also used for the best presentation possible. Click here for more information on dry mounting. Some services allow you to frame a single cover. Some can frame two covers in a single frame. Depending on the size, I will frame up to four covers in a single frame. See the San Framsisco Giants World Series covers above with 3 in a frame.

Newspaper Display Picture Frame. New York Times Cover Reprint. Frame #695 Cherry 1 3/8"

New York Times Reprint

Links for Reprint Services

Time Magazine. Click here for their reprint page. They offer two frames and a single white mat. Their reprints are 11" x 14" and cost $19.95. They also offer up to two reprints in a frame.
Sports Illustrated Click here for their reprint page. They offer two frames and a single white mat. Their reprints are 11" x 14" and cost $19.95. They also offer up to two reprints in a frame.
New York Times Click here for their reprint page. They offer a single frames and a single white mat. The prints come in 3 different sizes. The one shown above is 18" x 24"

Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Click here for their reprint page. They offer three frames and no mats. Their reprints are 12" x 16" and cost $19.95.

Other Newspapers News Bank Page Reprint Store offers reprints from many different newspapers across the country. Click here for their reprint page. They offer a single frame and no mats. Their reprints are 11" x 14" and cost $79.00 and 13x22 for $89.00. For a specific newspaper not offered by Page Bank, a web search for "Newspaper Reprint" or visiting the web site of a specific newspaper is suggested. Many newspaper sites also have a store where they sell reprints.

Ordering Your Reprint

When you order your reprint you can have it shipped directly to me to save you the cost of forwarding it.

You can have your reprint sent to me at:

Larry Peterson
75 Mary St
Ashley, PA 18702

Other Reprints. If you come across other reprint services, let me know and I will add them to this page.

thePaperFamer.Com is owned and operated by Larry Peterson, a Vietnam veteran. Copyright @2000-2016 Larry Peterson, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702. All Rights Reserved.

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